e-ISSN 2395-9134 |
Articles | Estudios Fronterizos, vol. 22, 2021, e072 |
Obstacles to patient mobility in Mercosur border areas: a typology proposal
Obstáculos a la movilidad de pacientes en zonas de frontera del Mercosur: una propuesta de tipología
Marcos Aurélio
Matos Lemõesb
a Universidad de Girona, Girona, Spain, e-mail: mtt.berzi@gmail.com
b Universidad Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil, e-mail: enf.lemoes@gmail.com
c Instituto Social del Mercosur, Asunción, Paraguay, and United Nations University-Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies, Bélgica, e-mail: oddone.nahuel@gmail.com
* Corresponding author: Nahuel Oddone. E-mail: oddone.nahuel@gmail.com
Received on April 12, 2021.
Accepted on Jun 11, 2021.
Published on June 18, 2021.
CITATION: Berzi, M., Matos Lemões, M. A. & Oddone, N. (2021). Obstáculos a la movilidad de pacientes en zonas de frontera del Mercosur: una propuesta de tipología [Obstacles to patient mobility in Mercosur border areas: a typology proposal]. Estudios Fronterizos, 22, e072. https://doi.org/10.21670/ref.2109072 |
The objective of this article is to identify the bottlenecks or restrictions that affect the mobility of patients in the border areas of the founding States of Mercosur: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. A qualitative analysis of the data collected and inputs prepared in the framework of the action “Cross-border cooperation in health with emphasis on facilitating patient mobility” proposed by the Mercosur Social Institute, before the COVID-19 pandemic to the Program for the strengthening the social cohesion in Latin America, known as EUROsociAL+ are key elements. As a result of this inter-institutional collaboration, a typology of obstacles to patient mobility in Mercosur is proposed.
patient mobility,
borders areas,
Este artículo tiene por objetivo identificar los cuellos de botella o restricciones que afectan a la movilidad de pacientes en las zonas de frontera de los Estados partes fundadores del Mercosur: Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay. Se realizó un análisis cualitativo de los datos recolectados e insumos elaborados en el marco de la acción “Cooperación transfronteriza en materia de salud con énfasis en la facilitación de la movilidad de los pacientes” propuesta por el Instituto Social del Mercosur, antes de la pandemia COVID-19, al Programa para el fortalecimiento de la cohesión social en América Latina, conocido como EUROsociAL+. Como resultado de esta colaboración interinstitucional se propone una tipología de obstáculos a la movilidad de pacientes en el Mercosur.
Palabras clave:
Movilidad de pacientes,
áreas de frontera,
Cooperation in border areas seeks to avoid duplication of objectives, functions, and services between institutions on both sides of the border. It also seeks to create competition between them through a harmonious, balanced, and rational combination of public policies that promote a specific governance system for the territory. This governance system needs to include several sectoral components, highlighting health cooperation in the current pandemic context.
In the months before the pandemic emergency, at the end of 2019, the signing of the Agreement on Linked Border Towns (Acuerdo sobre Localidades Fronterizas Vinculadas, ALFV) took place, an important step in terms of borders and health in the scope of the Common Market of the South (Mercado Común del Sur, Mercosur). This agreement, which includes a list of the towns covered by this status,1 seeks differentiated treatment for border residents, including access to public health services, among others2. Specifically, Article VII establishes that
public institutions responsible for the prevention and control of human diseases (...) shall collaborate with their counterparts in adjacent local governments, coordinated by the provincial/state health authorities and counterparts involved through the national health authorities, for joint public health work, epidemiological surveillance, and contingency plans to guide the response to public health events and other issues of common interest, including those of potential international importance. This work is carried out following the rules and procedures harmonized among the States Parties or, in their absence, under the respective national legislation. (Mercosur, 2019)
Likewise, Article III on “Granted Rights” provides that “the State Parties may grant other rights that they may agree, bilaterally or trilaterally, including medical care in the border public health systems under conditions of reciprocity and complementarity”. This last article seeks to alleviate the asymmetries and disparities in health care on both sides of the border. It is still too early to assess the impact of ALFV on patient mobility in Mercosur border areas, especially since some of the main measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 have been individual decisions to close the borders by Mercosur member states.
Mercosur border areas
The border areas of Mercosur are geographically, socioeconomically, and demographically very heterogeneous. For more than 6 000 km, rural areas with little trade alternate with economically more dynamic areas that contribute significantly to the economies of the member states. In part of the border area, it is possible to identify binational or tri-national cross-border territories with their own demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. In general terms, the internal borders of Mercosur are characterized by many elements that distinguish them from other geographic regions:
Over the last few years, strong relationships have developed between border communities, manifested through increased economic exchanges, social and family ties, and cooperation (formal and informal) between the different levels of authority on one side of the border and the other, among other factors. A cross-border identity and way of life have thus been defined and a way of facing the daily challenges and obstacles that limit citizen integration in this territory. Accordingly, healthcare and patient mobility represent a key sector for the welfare of border populations. The institutional cooperation developed within the framework of Mercosur has opened a path toward greater integration of the border areas of the member countries, but some challenges remain.
This research seeks to answer the guiding question, what are the main bottlenecks in patient mobility in the Mercosur member states? Based on this, the aim is to propose a typology that considers the challenges that persist in Mercosur to favor patient mobility and totality of care for the population of the bloc. Although there is currently a concern for resolving the problems caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the intention was to make an analysis that covers the reality of health at the border beyond this pandemic period.
This is a descriptive qualitative study. Its planning began in the pre-pandemic period of SARS-CoV-2. With the worsening of the health situation in all countries and the impossibility of mobility to the borders, it was decided to conduct semi-structured interviews with an online form in Spanish and Portuguese developed by the technical team of the EUROsociAL+ Program through GoogleForms®. The interview form was validated with the Council of Municipal Health Secretariats of Rio Grande do Sul (Cosems-RS), Brazil, as a pilot before being applied to the participants.
The questionnaire was divided into blocs, the first stage of which consisted of the ethical considerations of the study,4 and only if the respondent agreed to participate could they continue to the questioning stage. The second bloc of the questionnaire included the socioeconomic characteristics of the participants. They were asked to indicate whether they could be categorized as local managers, regional or federal managers, border health workers, or researchers in border studies. From there, the participant proceeded to the other bloc with the specific questions according to their category.
The questionnaire was circulated by e-mail among health managers, representatives in health committees, health workers in border cities, and researchers involved in border studies. Data collection was individual and self-administered. The research was supported by the Council of Municipal Health Secretaries (Cosems) of the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, and Mato Grosso do Sul, in addition to the border nucleus of the State of Rio Grande do Sul and research group websites to broaden its dissemination. Data were collected from 65 participants in all survey categories from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.
An Excel document was automatically generated in GoogleForms® with all the answers to the questions in the questionnaire. Once the collection was completed, the data were classified into thematic categories using the content analysis proposal of Bardin (2011).
Following the results of the survey, a classification of the main obstacles to mobility was drawn up. The obstacles to cross-border patient mobility in Mercosur border areas are the manifestations of dysfunctions of an administrative, legal, technological, infrastructure, or cooperation policy nature that affect the day-to-day management of health care. Nine types of obstacles have been identified, common to all the border territories analyzed, each of which may have a different weight or relevance depending on each specific case. Each obstacle, moreover, may be reflected in more than one typology; this is a fact that increases the complexity of the solutions in terms of social innovation and challenges for cross-border healthcare cooperation. These obstacles are presented below:
Main bottlenecks for patient mobility in Mercosur border areas
The efforts of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, before the creation of Mercosur and especially since its creation in 1991, have been a key element in promoting a progressive harmonization of their regulatory frameworks toward the integration of key sectors such as health, transportation, and education, among others. The dialogue mechanisms used by national and local authorities are based on the agreements established over the past decades, promoted both by the integration process itself and based on bilateral agreements reached by the countries (see Table 1).
Table 1.Border conventions and agreements between Mercosur member states in the health field | |
Argentina-Uruguay | Year |
Protocol of Intentions between the Ministry of Health of the Argentine Republic and the Ministry of Public Health of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay | 2010 |
Specific agreement between the National Institute of Donation and Transplant of Cells, Tissues, and Organs (Instituto Nacional de Donación y Trasplante de Células, Tejidos y Órganos, indt) of Uruguay and the National Central Institute for the Coordination of Ablation and Implantation (Instituto Nacional Central Único Coordinador de Ablación e Implante, incucai) regarding transplants to natural or legal Uruguayan citizens residing in Uruguay | 2010 |
Specific agreement between the National Institute of Donation and Transplant of Cells, Tissues, and Organs of Uruguay and the National Central Institute for the Coordination of Ablation and Implantation for the coordination of operations | 2005 |
Reciprocity Agreement between the Ministry of Health of the Argentine Republic and the Ministry of Public Health of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay on organ and tissue donation and transplantation | 2005 |
Protocol extending the cooperation agreement on health matters between the government of the Argentine Republic and the government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay | 1997 |
Health cooperation agreement between the government of the Argentine Republic and the government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay | 1991 |
Agreement on the exchange of frozen plasma and blood products between the government of the Argentine Republic and the government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, between the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba of the Argentine Republic and the Ministry of Public Health of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay | 1985 |
Public health agreement between the government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the government of the Argentine Republic | 1979 |
Sanitary agreement between the government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the government of the Republic of Argentina | 1978 |
Cooperation and assistance agreement on public health between the Argentine Republic and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay | 1971 |
Pan-American sanitary agreement between Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay | 1948 |
International Convention for the Control of Hydatid Disease | 1945 |
International sanitary convention between the Republics of Argentina, United States of Brazil, Paraguay, and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay | 1914 |
Sanitary Convention signed in Rio de Janeiro by the plenipotentiaries of the Republic of Argentina, Brazil, and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay | 1887 |
Argentina-Paraguay | Year |
Joint Operational Health Program in Border Areas | 2013 |
Protocol of Intentions between the Ministry of Health of the Argentine Republic and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Paraguay | 2006 |
Operational Plan for Joint Actions in Health in the Paraguay-Argentine Border Region (ARPA II) | 2002 |
Operational Plan for Joint Health Actions in the Paraguay-Argentina Border Region (ARPA) | 1997 |
Additional protocol | 1995 |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Argentina and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay on border health matters | 1992 |
Sanitary Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay | 1978 |
Brazil-Uruguay | Year |
Brazil-Uruguay Agreement to Fight the Coronavirus Pandemic | 2020 |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the Federative Republic of Brazil on Health Cooperation within the framework of the Uruguay-Brazil Binational Health Advisory Commission for the Creation of the Binational Center for Emergency Operations | 2020 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Basic Agreement for Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay for the Implementation of the Project “Consolidation of the Institutional Capacity of the Ministry of Health of Uruguay and Expansion of the Regulatory Dialogue between the Health Authorities of Brazil and Uruguay” | 2011 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Basic Agreement for Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay for the Implementation of the Project “Technical Support for the Expansion and Consolidation of the Uruguayan Network of Human Milk Banks” | 2010 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Basic Agreement for Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay for the Implementation of the Project “Strengthening of Policies to Combat the std/aids Epidemic in Uruguay | 2009 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Basic Agreement for Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay for the Implementation of the Project “Support for the Strengthening of the National System of Blood and Blood-Derived Products of Uruguay” | 2009 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Agreement for Brazilian and Uruguayan Border Nationals to Reside, Study, and Work Permits to Provide Health Services | 2008 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Basic Agreement for Scientific and Technical Cooperation for the Implementation of the Project “Institutional Strengthening of the Public Health Secretariat of the Uruguayan Government in the Area of Health Surveillance” | 2007 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Basic Agreement for Scientific and Technical Cooperation for the Implementation of the Project “Technical Support for the Implementation of Human Milk Banks in Uruguay” | 2006 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Basic Agreement for Scientific and Technical Cooperation for the Implementation of the Project “Institutional Strengthening of the International Advisory Offices of the Ministries of Health of Brazil and Uruguay” | 2006 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Agreement for Technical, Scientific, and Technological Cooperation for Border Health | 2003 |
Memorandum of Understanding in the Framework of the Exchange of Experience in Organ and Tissue Transplantation | 2003 |
Agreement for the Improvement of Sanitary Conditions in the Brazilian-Uruguayan Border Region | 1969 |
Convention on the Fight Against Venereal-syphilitic Diseases in the Border Area Common to Both Countries | 1928 |
Brazil-Argentina | Year |
Complementary Adjustment to the Technical Cooperation Agreement for the Implementation of the “Project Technical Support for the Implementation of a Human Milk Bank in Argentina” | 2008 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Government of the Argentine Republic for Implementation of the Project “Strengthening of the Dengue Control Program” | 2009 |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Health of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Argentina on cooperation for social inclusion, access to health and human resources training in health | 2013 |
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Ministry of Health of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Ministry of Health of the Argentine Republic in Health Matters, Multivisceral Transplant | 2015 |
Agreement between the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Argentine Republic on Linked Border Localities | 2019 |
Brazil-Paraguay | Year |
Sanitary Agreement- An agreement aimed at eliminating or diminishing the damages caused to the communities of said geographical region, as well as promoting measures capable of improving the respective health indices | 1971 |
Supplementary Adjustment to the Sanitary Agreement of July 16, 1971, on Cooperation and Exchange of Health Technology | 1992 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Technical Cooperation Agreement for the Implementation of the Project “Assistance and Treatment to People Living with HIV/AIDS in Paraguay” | 2003 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Technical Cooperation Agreement for the Implementation of the Project “Support to the Implantation and Implementation of a Human Milk Bank in Paraguay” | 2006 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Technical Cooperation Agreement for the Implementation of the Project “Institutional Strengthening of the International Advisory Offices of the Ministries of Health of Brazil and Paraguay” | 2006 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay for Implementation of the Project “Strengthening of Health Surveillance, with Emphasis on Combating Dengue and Implementation of International Health Regulations” | 2007 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Basic Agreement for Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay for Implementation of the Project “Institutional Strengthening of the National Health Surveillance Division of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Paraguay” | 2012 |
Health Cooperation Agreement at the Border Carmelo Peralta-PY-Porto Murtinho-BR-Institutes the Paraguay-Brazil Health Commission | 2013 |
Complementary Adjustment to the Agreement on the Permit for Residence, Study and Work for Brazilian and Uruguayan Border Nationals, for the Provision of Emergency Assistance Services and Civil Defense Cooperation (Montevideo Agreement) | 2013 |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Health of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Paraguay | 2015 |
Joint declaration between the Ministry of Health of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of Paraguay | 2017 |
Agreement for the formation of an Urgency and Emergency Health Network in the Triple Border area-Paraguay-Brazil-Argentina | 2018 |
Source: created by the author. |
Since the beginning of the 21st century, cooperation in border areas has accelerated relatively quickly at different territorial scales. However, despite the cross-border institutional capital generated, numerous obstacles persist that hinder patients’ mobility from one side of the border to the other. The 20 bottlenecks detected are below. A representative case or example is shown for each of them, although it is more common for a cross-border area to present more than one obstacle and for the bottlenecks to be combined (see Table 2).
Table 2. Summary of bottlenecks identified for cross-border health mobility in Mercosur grouped by thematic areas | |
Subject Area | Type of obstacle to patient mobility (bottleneck) |
Citizenship and the right of access to health care | 1) Recognition of citizenship for those born on the other side of the border |
2) Loss of entitlement to social assistance from the country of origin if residing on the other side of the border | |
3) Reimbursement of health care expenses | |
4) Medications not available on one side of the border when being treated in the neighboring country | |
Patient transfer | 5) Excessive bureaucracy for patient transfers |
6) Patient transfers are limited to emergency cases and do not include more complex situations | |
Health professionals | 7) Invalidity of prescriptions issued by a physician or hospital on one side of the border because pharmacies or physicians do not recognize them on the other side of the border |
8) Partial right to practice of physicians practicing on the other side of the border. The recognition of degrees and the legal practice of medicine on the other side of the border is still a pending issue | |
Accessibility and healthcare facilities | 9) Lack of healthcare equipment, especially of high complexity and quality |
10) Lack of road infrastructures and regular public transport services | |
11) Repatriation of corpses does not have a streamlined system for border nationals | |
Information exchange, monitoring, and communication | 12) Discontinuity in the surveillance and control of communicable diseases |
13) Lack of a shared cross-border sanitary monitoring system among Mercosur countries | |
14) Lack of disaggregated, updated and shared statistical data among the competent authorities | |
15) Lack of technological integration in the provision of services | |
16) Need for a joint and integrated approach to healthcare in the cross-border territory that shares procurement / contracting systems and financing procedures | |
17) Communication and information to the public on the agreements and procedures in force | |
Support for cross-border cooperation | 18) Lack of support to local administrations to undertake and maintain cross-border cooperation measures in the health field |
19) Cooperation programs with topics specifically aimed at cross-border health promoted by Mercosur or other international organizations | |
Gender focus | 20) Little attention to the gender approach in healthcare cooperation |
Source: created by the author. |
The following are the bottlenecks detected in the follow-up to the recently proposed categories.
Citizenship and the right of access to health care
Patient transfer
Health professionals
Accessibility and healthcare facilities
Information exchange, monitoring, and communication
Support for cross-border cooperation
Gender approach
Covid-19 and bottlenecks at borders
During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the border populations of the countries under study experienced the closure of national borders. Initially, only exceptional goods traffic was allowed between countries, but the restrictions have been gradually eased for some borders thanks to the evolution of diplomatic relations and the health situation. The free movement of people in the cross-border area represents a vital factor for commercial and family relations and guaranteeing access to health care. However, there has not been a univocal and mutually collaborative response among the Mercosur States, which have retreated into searching for national responses to the problem. As a result, Mercosur has witnessed, in some cases, the signing of a few bilateral agreements in the health sector, which are very innovative in terms of the type of instruments and approaches used in those cases where a previous culture of cross-border collaboration already existed, such as in the cities of Santana do Livramento (Brazil) and Rivera (Uruguay). In most cases, however, drastic measures limiting cross-border mobility have led to protests from local communities (institutions, companies, associations) that could no longer access medical care on the other side of the border. In addition, pre-existing problems have been exacerbated, which shows the fragility of these territories and the strong interdependence between border territories. Accordingly, it is possible to affirm that the current pandemic has had a threefold effect on border territories:
The following are significant examples of how the pandemic has positively or negatively affected patient mobility in Mercosur border regions.
Positive impacts
Negative impacts
Cross-border patient mobility is a matter of primary importance for the Mercosur member states. Despite the numerous bilateral and multilateral agreements between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay over the past decades, several legal, administrative, technological, health equipment, and infrastructure obstacles prevent border communities from having full access to health care. To overcome these obstacles, local and regional authorities often develop innovative border cooperation programs with their counterparts on the other side of the border. This article has identified twenty obstacles common to all Mercosur border territories, although each of them may have a different weight or relevance depending on the particular territorial context. To reflect the complexity of cross-border healthcare cooperation and have a more detailed view of the causes that limit cross-border patient mobility, the obstacles have been cataloged according to a typology that includes administrative, legal, technological, infrastructural, or cooperation policy nature.
The identified bottlenecks are common to the Mercosur border region. Therefore, regional responses are needed. However, the Agreement of Linked Border Localities, having been approved in 2019, shortly before the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, has not yet made it possible to evaluate the functionality of what is proposed in its articles to streamline patient mobility in border areas. Border populations have deeply felt this agreement. Once the pandemic has passed, they will likely demand its prompt implementation, which entails effective work for parliamentarians and national ministries to expedite the movement of people living on the border.
The proposed typology has also proved valid, conceptually and methodologically, to partially study the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the border territories under analysis. In general, the pandemic wave has had a demonstrable effect that highlights the fragilities and structural asymmetries of the border territories, both globally and regionally. The limitation of mobility and border crossings─as a first measure to prevent the spread of the virus─has been a measure common to the Mercosur member states, which as a result, has limited interactions in border areas. Although it is not yet possible to determine whether the effect of redefining borders will be permanent or only circumstantial until the entire population has access to vaccines, social life at the borders has certainly been greatly affected, and local communities have expressed their concerns about possible difficulties in medical care.
The reestablishment of border relations and the normalization of crossings cannot prevent the need to respond to the bottlenecks identified in terms of patient mobility in Mercosur. Accordingly, rethinking regional integration based on the fight against COVID-19 and projecting the post-pandemic scenario is a key opportunity to reduce asymmetries and strengthen the ownership of rights within the Mercosur bloc.
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1 The list of the linked border towns can be consulted at: https://www.mercosur.int/documento/acuerdo-localidades-fronterizas-vinculadas/
2 Of particular relevance in terms of mobility is also the possibility of obtaining a Border Neighborhood Transit Document (Documento de Tránsito Vecinal Fronterizo, DTVF) accepted by the State Parties, with which the border citizen is guaranteed the following rights: i) Exercise of the work, trade or profession in accordance with the laws applicable to nationals of the State Parties in which the activity is carried out, including the requirements for training or professional practice under an employment contract under the conditions provided for in the international agreements in force between them, with equal labor and social security rights and compliance with the same labor, social security, and tax obligations of the State Parties; ii) Attendance at public educational establishments, free of charge and on a reciprocal basis; iii) Access to the border trade regime for subsistence goods or products; and, iv) Availability, as soon as possible and once the necessary infrastructure adjustments have been made, of an exclusive or priority lane for DTVF holders at the border checkpoints of the linked border localities covered by this agreement.
3 According to Machado, twin cities, which are pairs of urban centers facing each other face to face on an international boundary, represent the most evolved territorialization of border areas as they constitute a dynamic space “composed of the differences resulting from the international boundary, and of cross-border flows and interactions” (Machado do Oliveira, 2006) that have their own social processes, generally linked to regional or international networks or forums that, in general, expand their institutional capacity and their relationship with other actors (Oddone, 2016).
4 The research project was, in turn, submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Universidad Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Brazil, in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 466/12, and obtained approval under CAAE number 20364719.3.0000.5316. The ethical principles were guaranteed by acceptance in the Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) form.
5 Instance remarked by the local authorities of Barra do Quaraí. See Pêgo, 2020, pp. 187-188.
6 On this point, see “Without crossing the border there is no integration: Monte Caseros, Bella União and Barra do Quaraí in regional dialogue” (Oddone & Pauluk, 2020, pp. 49-67).
7 As has been demonstrated in other cross-border contexts, cross-border institutional capital is a fundamental requirement for generating cross-border local economic development processes (Berzi, 2017; Berzi & Castañer, 2018).
8 The COE has expanded the capacity for action and response of the border municipalities of the two countries by jointly developing surveillance and testing protocols for suspected cases, among other activities. The measures agreed in the COE include the joint supply of PCR kits in the event of a shortage in any of the localities, as well as the processing of samples from the counterpart in the event of being required in both public and private laboratories.
9 For example, the epidemiological surveillance and swabbing activities planned by the Uruguayan government are being carried out by the local authorities of the Brazilian city as a way to quickly identify COVID-19 infected cases and thus generate greater epidemiological security for both countries.
Matteo Berzi
Italian. PhD in geography from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and expert in cross-border cooperation and geographic information systems. Research collaborator of the group Analysis and Territorial and Environmental Planning (Análisis y Planificación Territorial y Ambiental) of the Universidad de Girona, Spain. Consultant of the action Cross-border cooperation in health with emphasis on the facilitation of patient mobility (Cooperación transfronteriza en materia de salud con énfasis en la facilitación de la movilidad de los pacientes) proposed by the Instituto Social del Mercosur to the Program for the Strengthening of Social Cohesion in Latin America (Programa para el fortalecimiento de la cohesión social en América Latina) (EUROsociAL+). Research lines: cross-border cooperation in the European Union on health, transport, governance, and local development. Recent publication: Berzi, M. & Durà, A. (2021). La coopération transfrontalière en matière sanitaire dans l’UE à travers le cas emblématique de l'Hôpital de Cerdagne (Pyrénées). In F. Moullé & B. Reitel (Eds.), Maillages et interfaces, les enjeux territoriaux de la santé (pp. 79-96). Presses universitaires de Bordeaux.
Marcos Aurélio Matos Lemões
Brazilian. Capes Fellow of the National Postdoctoral Program in Nursing (Programa Nacional de Posdoctorado en Enfermería) from the Universidad Federal de Pelotas, Brazil, and doctor of science with emphasis in nursing (UFPel). Member of the Working Group on Popular Education and Health of the Brazilian Collective Health Association (Asociación Brasileña de Salud Colectiva). Consultant of Cross-border cooperation in health with emphasis on the facilitation of patient mobility (Cooperación transfronteriza en materia de salud con énfasis en la facilitación de la movilidad de los pacientes) proposed by the Mercosur Social Institute (Instituto Social del Mercosur) to the Program for the Strengthening of Social Cohesion in Latin America (Programa para el fortalecimiento de la cohesión social en América Latina) (EUROsociAL+). Research lines: Public health; collective health, organization of health services at borders. Recent publication: Matos Lemões, M., Lange, C., Antunes Machado, R., ... Díaz Ocampo, A. (2021). Cross-border between Brazil-Uruguay: power in health production by municipal management. Research & Reviews: Journal of Nursing & Health Sciences, 7(5).
Nahuel Oddone
Argentino. PhD in international studies from the Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Erriko Unibertsitatea. Head of Promotion and Exchange of Social Policies of the Mercosur Social Institute (Promoción e Intercambio de Políticas Sociales del Instituto Social del Mercosur), based in Paraguay and associate researcher at United Nations University at the Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies based in Belgium. Lines of research: borders, decentralized and paradiplomatic cooperation, value chains and Latin American regional integration processes. Recent publication: Oddone, N. & Coletti, R. (2021). COVID-19 and borders within regional integration processes: a multi-level governance analysis in the EU and Mercosur. In T. Esposito (Ed.), União Europeia: visões do Sul (pp. 35-56). Editora IDESF/UFGD/EU/Ministério de Defensa/Capes. The views expressed in this article are strictly personal and may not reflect those of your institution of belonging.
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