Fear of others. Digital media representations of the US-Mexico border and COVID-19

Miedo a los otros. Representaciones de la frontera México-Estados Unidos y COVID-19 en medios digitales




Representations, border, COVID-19, fear, digital media


The COVID-19 pandemic generated transformations in different areas of human life and socio-digital communication is central to its understanding. Users who post comments in the media and networks contribute elements to the social construction of reality. The objective was to interpret, through content analysis, representations of 1 303 users of four cross-border media from Baja California, Mexico, and California, USA, on Facebook, YouTube and web pages, about COVID-19 and the restrictions to cross the border. The closure of the border and COVID-19 constitute an emerging social phenomenon and previous research studies are scarce, which represented a limitation. In the end, the misinformation-fueled representations were found to project fear onto others; the comments reflect the majority use of unverified information, hatred and attribution of blame for contagion to others. The border was represented as an interstice of intersections and economic, cultural, political, environmental and health interdependence.


La pandemia por COVID-19 generó transformaciones en distintos ámbitos de la vida humana, y la comunicación sociodigital es central para su comprensión. Los usuarios que publican comentarios en medios y redes aportan elementos para la construcción social de la realidad. El objetivo fue interpretar, mediante análisis de contenido, representaciones de 1 303 usuarios de cuatro medios transfronterizos de Baja California, México, y California, EUA, en Facebook, YouTube y páginas web, sobre el COVID-19 y las restricciones para cruzar la frontera. El cierre de la frontera y el COVID-19 constituyen un fenómeno social emergente y son escasas las investigaciones previas, lo cual representó una limitación. Al final se encontró que las representaciones alimentadas por desinformación proyectaron miedo a los otros; los comentarios reflejan uso mayoritario de información no verificada, odio y atribución de culpa por contagio a los otros. La frontera fue representada como intersticio de entrecruzamientos e interdependencia económica, cultural, política, ambiental y sanitaria.


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Thematic section. Borders and Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Author Biographies

Hugo Méndez Fierros

Mexican. PhD in Global Development Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC). Full-time professor-researcher at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the UABC. Specialized in communication and culture studies. His publications and research interests fall into the following lines: representations, regional identity, and border; communication, identity and collective pride in universities. Recent publication: Piñera, D. & Méndez, H. (2019). Simbología universitaria, el caso de la uabc. Patrimonio, representaciones e identidad. uabc.

Erika Paola Reyes Piñuelas

Mexican. PhD in Educational Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC). Full-time professor-researcher at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the UABC. She has participated in various research projects with funding from the Sectoral Fund of the National Council of Science and Technology-National Institute for the Evaluation of Education (Conacyt-INEE). He belongs to the base team of the Life Skills Network (Colombia). He has conducted research stays at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and the Universidad Computense de Madrid. His research interests are oriented to the study of psychological phenomena associated with education. Recent publication: Reyes, E., Luna, E. & Caso, J. (2020). Evidencias de validez del Cuestionario de Evaluación de la Competencia Docente Universitaria. Perfiles Educativos, 42(169), 106-122.