Obstacles to patient mobility in Mercosur border areas: a typology proposal

Obstáculos a la movilidad de pacientes en zonas de frontera del Mercosur: una propuesta de tipología




patient mobility, borders areas, Mercosur, COVID-19


The objective of this article is to identify the bottlenecks or restrictions that affect the mobility of patients in the border areas of the founding States of Mercosur: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. A qualitative analysis of the data collected, and inputs prepared in the framework of the action “Cross-border cooperation in health with emphasis on facilitating patient mobility” proposed by the Mercosur Social Institute, before the COVID-19 pandemic to the Program for the strengthening the social cohesion in Latin America, known as EUROsociAL+ are key elements. As a result of this inter-institutional collaboration, a typology of obstacles to patient mobility in Mercosur is proposed.


Este artículo tiene por objetivo identificar los cuellos de botella o restricciones que afectan a la movilidad de pacientes en las zonas de frontera de los Estados partes fundadores del Mercosur: Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay. Se realizó un análisis cualitativo de los datos recolectados e insumos elaborados en el marco de la acción “Cooperación transfronteriza en materia de salud con énfasis en la facilitación de la movilidad de los pacientes” propuesta por el Instituto Social del Mercosur, antes de la pandemia COVID-19, al Programa para el fortalecimiento de la cohesión social en América Latina, conocido como EUROsociAL+. Como resultado de esta colaboración interinstitucional se propone una tipología de obstáculos a la movilidad de pacientes en el Mercosur.


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Author Biographies

Matteo Berzi

Italian. PhD in geography from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Research collaborator of the group Analysis and Territorial and Environmental Planning of the Universidad de Girona, Spain. Consultant of the action “Cross-border cooperation in health with emphasis on the facilitation of patient mobility” proposed by the Mercosur Social Institute to the Program for the Strengthening of Social Cohesion in Latin America (EUROsociAL+). Research lines: cross-border cooperation in the European Union on health, transport, governance, and local development. Recent publication: Berzi, M. & Durà, A. (2021). La coopération transfrontalière en matière sanitaire dans l'UE à travers le cas emblématique de l'Hôpital de Cerdagne (Pyrénées). In F. Moullé & B. Reitel (Eds.). Maillages et interfaces, les enjeux territoriaux de la santé (pp. 79-96). Presses universitaires de Bordeaux.

Marcos Aurélio Matos Lemões

Brazilian. Capes Fellow of the National Postdoctoral Program in Nursing from the Universidad Federal de Pelotas, Brazil, and doctor of science with emphasis in nursing (UFPel). Consultant of "Cross-border cooperation in health with emphasis on the facilitation of patient mobility" proposed by the Mercosur Social Institute to the Program for the Strengthening of Social Cohesion in Latin America (EUROsociAL+). Research lines: Public health; collective health, organization of health services at borders. Recent publication: Matos Lemões, M., Lange, C., Antunes Machado, R., ... Díaz Ocampo, A. (2021). Cross-border between Brazil-Uruguay: power in health production by municipal management. Research & Reviews: Journal of Nursing & Health Sciences, 7(5).

Nahuel Oddone

Argentino. PhD in international studies from the Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Erriko Unibertsitatea. Head of Promotion and Exchange of Social Policies of the Mercosur Social Institute, based in Paraguay and associate researcher at United Nations University at the Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies based in Belgium. Lines of research: borders, decentralized and paradiplomatic cooperation, value chains and Latin American regional integration processes. Recent publication: Oddone, N. & Coletti, R. (2021). COVID-19 and borders within regional integration processes: a multi-level governance analysis in the EU and Mercosur. In T. Esposito (Ed.), União Europeia: visões do Sul (pp. 35-56). Editora IDESF/UFGD/EU/Ministério de Defensa/Capes. The views expressed here are strictly personal and may not reflect those of your institution of belonging.